Ways Your Home Can Make You Happier! | Wise Owl Interiors

Let’s think about this, what is the first thing you see when you wake up? and the last thing you see when you’ve ended your day? It’s your home… We spend so much time there why not make your home a haven for a happier you! I’ve got some amazing ideas to spread that little bit of happiness throughout your home.

modern grey bedroom

1.Make your bed

It may sound completely crazy but this does work! By waking up and tidying where you’ve been sleeping puts you in a positive mood and help you start your day on a good note. Doing something as simple as making your bed can make you feel super organised leading you to feel happier.

plant on table

2.Add fresh flowers or plants

Well, who doesn’t love the look of a flower in full bloom? Having fresh flowers or plants about your home can completely change the mood of a room, a tip would be to have them placed so as soon as you enter the space you get to witness their beauty!

No matter what the season is you’ll be able to get your hands on something to brighten up that room of yours!


3.Make a space for you

This is super important, especially when you are spending a lot of time at home. It’s nice to have a space, your space where you can gather your thought or just have those well needed minutes alone. Doing this will help you recharge and you’ll be ready to tackle your day.

If you can’t grab a whole room to yourself, try and create a cosy corner just for you. Whatever you do there make sure its something you enjoy whether that’s reading drawing whatever take yours fancy.

hallway entrance

4. Set the scene with a warm welcome

This one is something you may not think of just because you don’t normally spend a lot of time in the space but it’s certainly not one to miss. Creating a hallway that’s inviting gives you a complete feel-good feeling every time you enter your home. Try including some storage, coat hooks entrance mirror, baskets so the area is nice and tidy.

Painting the space in bright white can make the hallway look lovely and airy, a welcoming place to come home to. Don’t panic if white isn’t your thing, bold colours would work just as well. If you’re feeling extra fancy, jazz the space up with these mood-boosting extras like a room diffuser or a fresh bunch of flowers to give it that final zing!

5.Fill with memories

Displaying things around your home that reminds you of friends, family, passions, places you’ve visited can boost the happiness in your home. As soon as you enter the room you’ll be greeted with all those memories, experiences.

We all love a flashback moment! Doing this may prompt you to want to make new plans and make you excited!

bedroom window

6.Let light in

Sun beaming in your home, nothing boosts your mood more than that! Draw open those curtains or blinds and get that dose of sunshine. A tip of mine is to get your windows all sparkling clean, no steak or finger marks then you can really enjoy that beam of light!

bathroom tap

7.Get those repairs done

There’s always a few little spruces that need doing which bug you every time you walk by, leaky tap, squeaky door… The best thing to do is as soon as you notice them get them fixed, you’ll feel a sense of accomplishment when it’s done and you will no longer be bugged out every time you notice it as it will no longer be there. Win win!

dining room

8.Create a social space

Living room, dining room, where ever you fancy it’s important to have a social space in your home to catch up with whoever you’re living with. It’s a place where you can all unwind together and get talking. After all, we all need those little chats with people to boost our moods!


Feel free to leave a comment below, I’d love to know which worked for you!